Thursday, August 20, 2009

Leaving the Library

It's 3 o'clock in the morning and I just noticed my pants are on inside out and yet I sit here determined to write a blog. Pray for me ladies.

Being a very noticeably pregnant mother of four we get some attention when we are out and about. Getting comments here and there. Children are not the favored fashion accessory these days. More people aren't having them and many do not like to see them out in public. Especially when the family begins to resemble some type of field trip or daycare.

I was in our local library with my four kids and my youngest decides to act out. I pick her up and hold her as opposed to having her climb the shelves. Upon picking her up a fit broke out. At this point I'm thinking, wow, I better get out of here.

My other children were sitting at tables and looking at books. Said toddler was the only one misbehaving. I had to find one more book for one of my sons to check out. Which wasn't too hard because I had just picked up a book to look over when the fit began. Then, a tap, tap, tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me miss. You really need to take your child and go. This is a library and she is being too loud," says a man I've never seen in my life.

"What!? I'm doing the best I can. I have four children here. Can you just cut me a break?"
says me, almost on the verge of tears and holding it back with all my unhealthy pride.

"Well this is a library and...."

"Wait a minute." I interrupt. "Do you even work here?"

Needless to say, he didn't. That's right, some random stranger had taken it upon himself to ask me to leave when the librarian denied his request to do so.

It was a frustrating evening and I felt a little peeved after the whole episode . I mean, after all, who did that man think he was? Then I remembered my kids were seeing all this unfold. How should I continue to react?

I wasn't rude to the man. I was firm, telling him I would leave after I found my book. After all, I hadn't planned on staying much longer. I didn't want to deal with a crying toddler as much as he didn't want to listen to one. I was barely handling this all in front of the watchful eyes of my three older ones.

I decided that I wanted family, our family, to prevail. People can say what they choose, but how I deal with it affects how my children view people and our family as a whole. After leaving, I calmed down, and we talked about how we should probably have sympathy for a man that cannot have empathy for women and children. In the end my oldest suggested we say a little prayer for him.

The lesson learned for me: I cannot control what others say to me or about me in front of my children. I can however, control the kind of impact it has on us. Now, I just feel sorry for that man and the childless world he chooses to live in.

copyright 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Okay, Okay I've Been Away Awhile

Okay, okay so I've been away awhile. I honestly had contemplated not writing on my blog anymore. I mean, after all, isn't the world filled with enough talking heads, story tellers, and blog writers. Aren't I just flooded out by the crowd? "Go big or go home," is today's slogan. I'm pregnant, tired, and dealing with all of life's going ons. So, why even try?

And yet.......God persists on my heart.

I had ladies ask when I was going to post another blog or I would read an article about blogging and it's affect on others. Now I'm reading the book Twelve Extraordinary Women by John Mac Arthur.
I was reminded of this verse:

Hebrews 11:39-40

These were all commanded for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.

Go big or go home, is not God's calling card. It's the world's. God's is faithfulness to the call. Faithfulness to the point that we believe in the vision God has given us more than seeing the results.

That in a nutshell is what Crazy Days of Mommyhood is about. Faithfulness to the roll of mommyhood and a celebration of the mommies that heed this roll and take it serious. Mommyhood is a thankless roll. The little people we love and care for are not going to produce anything big and grandiose today besides maybe messes. We care for them whatever the age because we keep the vision that God in his time will make perfect.

So...I will blog, not sure of what a little blog writing can do in the sight of eternity, but I enjoy it and the Lord has laid it on my heart to do it. I encourage the rest of you to be faithful at the little things as well as big and do what the Lord is nudging you to do.

copyright 2009