Thursday, May 28, 2009

Superhero Training

I have been having crazy dreams at night about having super powers. It is actually a pretty awesome dream. I usually do something outstanding like super speed or shape shifting. I am able to solve common problems in a single bound. I have put some serious thought into it and in the end I think I would probably have to go with speed. I believe these dreams have something to do with being pregnant. Although, I'm not sure what? That's what I hear. I have had some pretty crazy dreams with the last pregnancies. I just can't remember being so excited about them or being so disappointed when I woke up.

Being a mom has given me some serious training in superheroes. Sure, when I was younger I had an older brother and was exposed to the Justice League, but it went in one ear and out the other. As a mom I am required to participate in conversations were I choose what superhero power I would want and why or which Incredible I would be. Which is always redundant because I will continue to be typed cast as the mother; Elastigirl. Even though I secretly would like to be Violet the daughter with force field and invisibility abilities.

I now feel like I am a dictionary full of resources on Superheroes. It is not just my sons that enjoy it, but my daughter as well. I have even at times slightly embarrassed myself in front of other moms with this wealth of knowledge insured by all of them.

For example: When pregnant with my fourth child I was invited to a pregnant mommies class. I had the upper hand on superhero education as most where either first time mommies or second with only a toddler. When introducing ourselves a mommy had mentioned her husband did all the sound and computer work for the church. To which I made the comment, "Oh, he is a technopath."

To which I laughed.....and only I laughed. It was a hard crowd because no courtesy laugh was extended. None of the other young moms knew YET that a technopath was the super power to control electronics. I mean, I didn't break down into complete scifi mode and introduce myself like Yoda. "Athena, I am. Nice to meet you, it is. Mommy I will be, of the fourth," and yet strange looks, I did receive.

It's okay because their turn's coming. As moms we are all submerged into some type of unexpected culture. Yours may not be science fiction or superheroes maybe it's having to learn all the names to the Doodle Bops or unwillingly memorize all the words to Jonas Brothers latest hits or God Bless you, maybe even have to sit through their "concert" on the big screen. So,I guess I would rather dream about being a superhero in my pregnant state then dream about something like living in that weird dome shaped house as a Teletubbie. Really, what are they anyway!? and do I need to dream about being any rounder than I already am?

copyright 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

For Keeps

My oldest daughter is a kind, softhearted child. She helps with dishes. She will also help with odd and ends around the house occasionally without having to ask. However, walk into her room and it is a danger zone. I don't let the baby walk in there for fear of bodily harm. Keep in mind, I do not keep a spotless home, but we do require some resemblance of order.

I noticed very early on that she did not like to throw away anything. She would for example: have a piece of candy wrapper from a family outing. I would have picked it up from her floor and thrown it away. She would walk by the trash can and say something like, " What is this wrapper doing in the trash?" in a very pained sort of way. "You cannot throw it away I got this when we went to the movies. We really enjoyed that movie. How can I throw that away?" As if, I myself was rejecting the whole event by the simple action of throwing away the said wrapper.

I became somewhat of a student of this behavior when I was in my early twenties. I stayed with friends for a summer. In a act of good will I decided to clean out their refrigerator. I was proud of myself for taking on a task that most would avoid. After throwing out a few outdated and moldy items my friend became unglued. I was in shock. I came from the kind of people that followed the rule "When in doubt throw it out." I was truly clueless as to what I had done so offensive. All the emotion that could come from trying to throw out moldy salsa that I was forced to return to it's rightful shelf in the refrigerator, was lost on me.

I have had the benefit of observing different subjects over the years since then. I have made the connections genetically were my daughters hording tendencies come from. I was on the phone one day with my sweet sister-in-law when I admitted I do not hold on to birthday cards forever. Sure, I keep them out for awhile and I am always happy to receive any card that comes our way. However, I throw them out after a decent amount of time. She sounded sad and I regretted it instantly. With this conversation came the realization people who hoard attach memories and when they throw it away the memory just may go with it. I also recognized the kindred spirit that my daughter and her aunt share. The wanting to hold onto everything because someone or something special is associated with it. I understood why both my daughter and sister-in-law would give me things they thought I could "use" over the years. Which became a code word to me for: throw it out. But this connection to what may seem like stuff and clutter is an overflow of their sentimental, tender hearts.

While having the opportunity to study in my daughter the ability to hold on to tiny scraps of paper, cards, invitations, brochures, magazine clippings, church bulletins, memento cups, confetti dropped at midnight, and pictures of people we have long forgotten the name of because we barely knew them anyway, I do not believe I will ever truly get it. I do however, enjoy learning about my children and discovering their funny little quirks and idiosyncrasies. I'm not interested in mothering someone exactly like me. Recognizing and excepting our children's bent is what helps makes us good mothers and our young ones feel appreciated. So, to indulged her a little I think I will print this out and cram it into her large memento drawer.

Copyright 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

It has been awhile since I picked up on this passage. It is all so beautiful and thought provoking, convicting and uplifting all at the same time. I once heard a Dr. Dobson interview with John Elderedge. Elderedge had worked at Focus On The Family with Dr. Dobson for sometime before quitting and writing Wild At Heart. Dobson told Elderedge that he noticed a significant growth in him and asked what it was. His reply to him I will never forget. He said, " I just got tired of living off of yesterdays manna."

Wow! How profound! It has been years since I heard that and still, it sticks with me.

Exodus 16:24
Each morning everyone gathered as much as he
needed, and when the sun grew hot, it melted away.

God wants to take care of our everyday physical and spiritual needs.

I grow concerned for our Christian moms and families that believe that a constant connection to our Lord and Savior is not a vital need in our Christian walk. How can we point our children to a Jesus we ourselves only know in a distant way? God providing manna for the Israelites is an excellent example of our need for the sustenance that only He has to offer.

Exodus 16:19-20
Then Moses said to them, "No one is to keep any of it until morning."
However, some of them paid no attention to Moses; they kept part of it until morning, but it was full of maggots and began to smell.

We were made for companionship with the Lord. He wants to be our daily bread. He wants to give us Himself everyday. It is amazing how often I am willing to live off of yesterdays smelly manna.

When we have our spiritual life in tune with Jesus the physical is more easily conquered. If we rely on Him everyday and problems occur, then we are going to go to the one we go to already. If we are calling on our mamma, our sister, or our friends everyday then that will be our go to in our weakness as well. All these people may be a great support system, but they will never be a anchor in a storm.

Ephesians 6:18
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

Psalms 32:6-7
Therefore let everyone who is godly pray to you while you may be found; surely when the waters rise, they will not reach him. You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

I want to encourage you as mothers and women to pray in every and all occasions. You are someone that can affect the future for the Lord. There is an old saying that says, "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." We can affect the kingdom of God without leaving our homes. "A righteous man's prayers availith much." Seek God for His daily bread and become the woman God meant for you to be changing yourself and the children you serve.

copyright 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Brand Name Wars

The problem that continues between my husband and I is simply; off brand food or name brand. Which is best?

I am in favor of Aldi. A smaller store where everything is off brand so it's a sure thing to save money. Some of the food I would even say, taste good. My husband on the other hand does not think we should have to suffer off brands. We should for example, really eat a Dorito not a imitation chip with a peculiar cheese after taste. Making our children eat off brand food is somehow in his mind, damaging their growing up experience and possibly their taste buds.

I became desensitized to this at a very young age. My parents were always on a very tight budget. I remember coming home from school and my mom announcing she had just been to the store for a big grocery trip. Walking to the pantry and opening up it's big wooden doors you would see yellow from top to bottom. Yellow boxes of cereal, yellow bags of chips, and many many yellow boxes of hamburger meals. Value Brand everything. So, in my mind for my own children to actually see food inside the box or on the outside of the can is a benefit all its own.

Getting used to the idea of being a larger family I broke down and went shopping at, you guessed it Sams. It was a good compromise for my husband and I. It is supposed to be cheaper and it is mostly name brand. I was a little overwhelmed at the thought of having to buy there for most of our groceries. I mean, is this really me shopping somewhere that large gathered boxes are needed not bags for my groceries? However, we are home all the time and go through plenty of food.

Walking through the isles I began to get a little excited. "Look! A whole box of granola bars. Oh, and there is a giant block of cheese."

The idea of not having to make multiple trips to the store in between big shopping trips took over. I was feeling the money we were saving going to something more meaningful like going out to eat.

The children were with me and the excitement soon spread. We made it to the condiment isle were I met my down fall. Three gallons of salad dressing. The kids thought we needed it. "But, we will never eat all that." I said

"Yes, we will mommy. We love salad."

"We never eat salad."

"We will." They pleaded.

Not only was Sams solving the grocery store issues between my husband and I, but quickly conforming us all into daily salad eaters. What a great place!

I brought my booty home feeling very satisfied with myself. "Look at all this stuff," I said to my husband. "I really think I saved us some money this time."

"Really? What's this?" he asked pointing to the two three gallons of dressing?

"Dressing. We are going to start eating more salad." Looking at his face even I no longer believed this line of reasoning.

Needless to say it's been almost two weeks and we haven't eaten any salads. What can I say? We got carried away in the moment. If it's between a whole cabinet of yellow boxes and some old dressing in the freezer I guess for the sake of peace I'd go with the dressing and maybe just maybe a little self-control.

copyright 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

moms day

Mother's Day! A day we all love. Hopefully you were honored and blessed. I love to watch The Sunday Morning Show on Sundays. I was somewhat disappointed to see a story that they had on motherhood. The story told how hard motherhood is and we all feel as if we can't live up to the standard set, scene cuts to a image of Harriet Nelson and then June Cleaver giving advice and or vacuuming. A blog was mentioned where moms anonymously write in their guilt over mothering. An example given was biting of a child's nails instead of cutting them and other examples. Don't get me wrong, I think mothering is a hard job and I do think we should be able to talk to each other.

My disappointment is with this standard that is set by the world and the media and that we all bow down to that idea of femininity and motherhood and that we as mothers are never good enough. Instead of God's standard which I think some can feel, can be even more daunting. Let's take a closer look in Titus 2:3&4 " Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, but teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God."

What is amazing about God's design is there is a support system built in. Where one women comes in along another and teaches her how to mother and care for her family. It is always so helpful to me to hear other moms say, "I've been where you've been" or "I remember feeling the way you feel." Most importantly, "It will pass, be patient." The need to drudge up some false guilt over mothering is gone. The truth is we've all done crazy things. My kids are lucky if their fingernails get cut at all. But, where God is peace abounds.

The kind of relationship in Titus 2 takes time. It is coming along side each other and supporting each other. Young mothers need this and older moms need to be perpetuating this. Our job cannot be finished just because the nest is empty.

Pray with me that God would knit your heart to a fellow woman or a group of fellow women to care about and grow into motherhood with as God designed it. As mothers we influence every generation. Let's us purpose to set our standard to God's so that we may come along side our daughters as mothers and teach them well and He would be honored.

I hope you had a happy Mothers Day. Blessings on the job you are doing.

copyright 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Seventh Heaven???

I love that show. Kids everywhere, a mom that is perky and doesn't have quiet all the answers but just enough, a loving meddling dad; who wouldn't love that? Upon announcing we were pregnant with our fifth child our oldest son's immediate question was, "Does this mean we are going to have our own show now? "

Although he meant a reality show, my mind goes to Seventh Heaven. Isn't this a commentary on our day to day lives that television is always our first go to? I have to admit I loved the Cosby Show growing up. I wanted a family like that. Now that I am older it's Seventh Heaven. Although somedays around here it feels like Seven Heathens with kids fighting, laundry piled up, and finding the remote is our biggest goal for the day.

So why, why would we want another child? I have been asking myself this. With your first child there is all the excitement of the first time experiences, the second brings the opportunity to give your child a sibling, the third a given because there was three in my family. However with the fourth and now fifth it feels like complete insanity. I know there are those that say we consider each child a blessing and family a gift. The kind if women that look like a momma duck with all her ducklings following in some random parking lot. The thing is, somewhere along the way my husband and I became one of those "people". We had a softening of the heart and we prayed about it. We asked God his opinion and he continued to confirm his desires for our life.

I may not be Annie Camden and I will never be Claire Huxtable, but God is doing some amazing things with Athena these days. So, go ahead and ask me why five kids. I'll just say, "Children are a blessing and family a gift. Now please excuse me while I look for our remote."

copyright 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Homeschool Covention

We are all recouping from our state homeschool convention. It is an exciting place where you walk around and look at books and attend seminars for hours and hours and still come home and feeling as if there is something that you didn't see or get that is somehow pivotal to your school year ahead. Homeschool conventions can make those teetering on the edge of decisions complete converts. Also, reminds the rest of us why we do what we do. Homeschooling is something that most are convicted is the best thing for our kids. While doubt still lingers weather or not our children wouldn't be better in the hands of another each and everyday. Even going to the extent of threatening to send them anywhere else that would take them on crazy days. Yet, just two days of being around others that are in the same boat can be sooo amazingly encouraging. So, even if I have forgotten something I'm reminded I'm on the right path.

copyright 2009