The word "legacy" means something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past: My husband's Grandma and Grandpa DeSpain were the best at passing on the stories of faith. They would tell stories of great grandparents and their love of the Lord. His grandma would say to us every time we left their home with our children, "Be careful. You have a million dollars worth of livestock in there." Just recently when we were leaving she stumbled over the words. She had a hard time remembering what she had always said. My husband filled in the words for her, " We have a million dollars worth of livestock grandma. We are going to be very careful." Although this wasn't one of the stories that she would tell that was steeped in the passion she had for the Lord it was a way for her to communicate her love for us over and over again so that all of us, even our children, were able to repeat it back to her.
In Deuteronomy 11:18-21
Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them to your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land...
Voddie Baucham Jr said in his book Family Driven Faith
"You and I are living in an age and in a culture that is tearing at the very fabric of Christian community. How many of us look at our teenaged sons and daughters and know they are not with us? How many if us lay our heads on the pillow at night and know that as soon as our kids leave te house they are probably going to leave the faith as well? All of the statistics point to children leaving when they go to college, but my experience and my conversations with Christian parents leads me to believe that the problem manifest itself much earlier."
"There are many worthwhile pursuites in this world, but few of them rise to the level of training our children to follow the Lord and keep His commandments. I desperately want my sons and daughters to walk with God, and I am willing to do whatever it takes, whatever the Bible says I must do in order to be used by God as a means to that end."
Living and leaving a legacy for our kids, I am convinced, has slipped as our priority, but never the less is our duty. So, what is a "legacy"? In short, it is taking on the responsibility to live out and pass on the Christan faith in such a way that it would be engraved onto our children's hearts and minds in hopes that they would stand steadfast against this world and pass on to the next generations a love for Jesus Christ and his statutes.
I'm excited about this topic and I am going to continue this topic in my next blog, hope you’ll join me.
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