Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Legacy Of Discipline

As I have been going through my week praying about "legacy" and how that would apply to discipline wouldn't you know one of my own little chicks pulls a big doozy. I honestly thought about not posting or choosing another subject. I mean how can I encourage other moms about something it feels at this moment, I'm not great at myself? Isn't that what the devil wants us to believe? That we are no good as parents let alone disciplinarians. However, I can't change that this is still my focus for our family. To live a life of legacy, something worth passing on to the next generation.

When I was first married with out kids. We attended a church with many young families. Knowing we would one day have children, we couldn't help to observe them. To our benefit every Sunday there was two families that sat close to us that was most entertaining for a young couple.

The First family had six kids and they all sat perfectly in service like little angels. The other family had three kids with one that was everywhere. He would sit on the floor, climb under the seats, and mess with other peoples feet, Bible, or whatever. All the while his mom looking on and admiring his spirit as one that shouldn't be tamed. As young marrieds of course we wanted to have offspring like the first family. To be honest I think they ended up somewhere in between the two. Although, taming does often take place.

My hope was that one day I would have children that were not naughty. I didn't think about character or the heart of the child. I just didn't want a child crawling under a pew and bothering other people and let's face it, with a child that wasn't naughty they wouldn't bother me either. Alas, we learned in order for a legacy to take place a discipline of the heart must. Our children are future adults and character must be cultivated.

I can't tell you in this short blog exactly how and what to do to discipline your children. This week alone, there have been moments when I myself am at a loss and seek the Lord in earnest prayer for guidance. What I do know is that consistency is key.

In Deuteronomy 11:18-21
Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them to your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the

If we are not consistent with our children we cannot expect our children to be in a word tamed. Obedience is a heart condition that takes discipline from parents to be obedient to God's word. If we are only disciplining our childrens' action and not their hearts character will not develop. In doing both we bring God's word to light in the legacy of discipline we live as a family.

I do like technical advice as well from a Godly perspective I'm going to attach several links for you to further research and pray over.


Raising Godly Tomatoes

Shepherd Press

Family Life

Focus On The Family

Blessings on you and your family as you search out God's wisdom in the legacy your family would leave in this world.

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