Saturday, November 7, 2009

Stick With Me

I think about my blog these days like an extra bedroom that needs tending to, but somehow I never get to. I can just close the door and walk away and it feels like it will go unnoticed. I have had a few complications with this pregnancy and the wait for this new arrival is feels like I'm standing over cold ice water waiting for it to boil. Other things go unattended as well for example, laundry. I just know after I have this baby and get everything caught up I'm going to pull that perfect maternity shirt out of a pile of fresh warm laundry and think,"Oh, yeah there's that shirt. Where has this been?" Which isn't too big of a problem because I'm not going anywhere anyway. Needless to say some of the usual essentials are going by the wayside.

Don't worry about us. People have been so good to bless us. I am seeing God's goodness in different little ways. God's timing is funny though. Shortly before everything got harry around here I made the commitment to be less negative. You know....half glass full and all that. Trusting in God's goodness. It seems we have been tested to the limits on this in so many different ways. During this time the school our kids go to twice a week has not been as easy as we hoped, a family member has had to deal with some health issues, and then there is just day to day life. Which can be rather messy at times, can't it?

The awesome thing about God is, he is sufficient. Life is messy and sometimes challenging at best. A relationship with the Lord does not guarantee a problem free life. Having a attitude were I am more trusting of God says," Okay, your God and I'm not in this situation. Show me how this is going to work out for my good and ultimately your glory." I haven't exactly nailed this attitude, but I continue to renew my commitment daily.

During this time of far and few between post, please know I have not lost my heart for moms and encouraging them. I am working on ideas for more interviews and I am looking forward to posting them in the new year. Even though the body is week right now there is more to come for Crazy Days of Mommyhood so please, please, please stick with me. With my commitment to see his active hand in my life I have been convicted that right now more than ever moms need to be encouraged that what their doing is so worth there investment for today and eternity.

copyright 2009

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