I have been having crazy dreams at night about having super powers. It is actually a pretty awesome dream. I usually do something outstanding like super speed or shape shifting. I am able to solve common problems in a single bound. I have put some serious thought into it and in the end I think I would probably have to go with speed. I believe these dreams have something to do with being pregnant. Although, I'm not sure what? That's what I hear. I have had some pretty crazy dreams with the last pregnancies. I just can't remember being so excited about them or being so disappointed when I woke up.
Being a mom has given me some serious training in superheroes. Sure, when I was younger I had an older brother and was exposed to the Justice League, but it went in one ear and out the other. As a mom I am required to participate in conversations were I choose what superhero power I would want and why or which Incredible I would be. Which is always redundant because I will continue to be typed cast as the mother; Elastigirl. Even though I secretly would like to be Violet the daughter with force field and invisibility abilities.
I now feel like I am a dictionary full of resources on Superheroes. It is not just my sons that enjoy it, but my daughter as well. I have even at times slightly embarrassed myself in front of other moms with this wealth of knowledge insured by all of them.
For example: When pregnant with my fourth child I was invited to a pregnant mommies class. I had the upper hand on superhero education as most where either first time mommies or second with only a toddler. When introducing ourselves a mommy had mentioned her husband did all the sound and computer work for the church. To which I made the comment, "Oh, he is a technopath."
To which I laughed.....and only I laughed. It was a hard crowd because no courtesy laugh was extended. None of the other young moms knew YET that a technopath was the super power to control electronics. I mean, I didn't break down into complete scifi mode and introduce myself like Yoda. "Athena, I am. Nice to meet you, it is. Mommy I will be, of the fourth," and yet strange looks, I did receive.
It's okay because their turn's coming. As moms we are all submerged into some type of unexpected culture. Yours may not be science fiction or superheroes maybe it's having to learn all the names to the Doodle Bops or unwillingly memorize all the words to Jonas Brothers latest hits or God Bless you, maybe even have to sit through their "concert" on the big screen. So,I guess I would rather dream about being a superhero in my pregnant state then dream about something like living in that weird dome shaped house as a Teletubbie. Really, what are they anyway!? and do I need to dream about being any rounder than I already am?
copyright 2009
copyright 2009
1 comment:
This is so funny because just the other day I found myself explaining the diffrence between the autobots and the decepticons "if you just remember being deceptive is bad then it's easy to remember the decepticons are the bad guys...." In my mind I remember thinking I can't believe I know this.
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