Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Have I Told You Latley That I Love You

I walked into my kitchen this morning to see my kids making me breakfast. I know, how sweet is that? Also, on the counter I see a present opened by one of my little ones that I had bought for my sister who is graduating college soon. What are you doing I asked? or better yet demanded. I wanted by dear sister who has worked so hard to graduate to be the very first one to open that gift. Somehow it took away from the gift that a little persons hands had messed with it. I wanted it packaged nicely the way the women at the store had done it.

We have this great rule in our house it is very simply. "If it's not yours do not touch it." I can ask any of our children. What's our rule? They will mumble, "If it's not yours don't touch it."

To which I usually carry on saying something like, "That's right if it's not yours don't touch it. It is a great rule. One of the best we have. If it's not yours don't touch it. (saying it over and over is my way of getting it to take) I love that rule. If it's not yours don't touch it. Please follow it next time."

A little too much drama is at times, my downfall as a mom. I missed the opportunity to praise my kids for thoughtfulness, putting someone else first, and working together. After all they had not had breakfast yet either. It is soooo much easier to do right the first time than to come back and apologize for blowing things out of proportion. I could have still dealt with the gift situation and it probably would have been more effective. Catching our kids at doing a good job is just as important as catching them misbehaving.

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