Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oh, the Horror

My baby, my little sweet girl as been neglected. By of all people, her parents. She has....ringworm. Oh, the horror. I feel like I need a bath just writing it down. It makes me feel so dirty. It is comparable to telling people you have lice. We have no clue were she got it from. What's worse it's all over her tush which is why we let it go so long. We were treating it as diaper rash. I can see it right now, me in the doctors office with the doctor questioning my ability to parent a child, let alone four. We are trying natural and over the counter remedies. We will see.

It's amazing how God can take anything and teach a lesson from it. I can't help but to think if there are little sins in my life that I wouldn't tell anybody until it got so out of control I had no choice. For example how often would you share something like..."Today I yelled and yelled at my kids until the youngest one cried and the older ones just shut down completely." Something we as mothers would probably not share, even with a close friend. But, if someone else told us that and then asked you to pray with them would you maybe think yourself the better parent? Or would you relate and admire her boldness to expose her own flaws? Sin is eventually exposed,if to no one else, our children.


By the way any of you way knowledgeable moms know any natural remedies for Ringworm, please send it my way!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think sometimes the only way God can get a hold of us is by exposing us. God is good. I think it is sad that so many times as christians we worry so much about being seen as "good christians" that we miss out on confessing our hidden sin(or what we think is hidden) to sisters that can stand in the gap for us. I think sometimes when confession happens it does one of three things; we are so not used to it that it scares us, it makes us feel better about ourselves because we don't struggle with whatever, or it gives us freedom to confess our own sin.