It seems I hear of someone we know losing a job at least, once a week. It can be very scary. The loss of control that we feel can be overwhelming. My parents where in real estate during the 80’s, when we had the last recession. Real estate was a horrible business to be in at the time. It got so bad we eventually lived in a house without electricity for a time. When I think of the possibility of my husband going without a job I almost go into a panic. The thought of my children living in a house without utilities. What would I do? How did my mother handle it?
We ended up living with my grandparents for a season. As a child I didn’t care. It seemed like somewhat of an adventure. My grandparents had some land and a trampoline and I thought it was a great arrangement . Looking back now I see that it was a memorable experience because my great-grandmother was also living with my grandma. I’m sure all the adults didn’t think it was so great. However, for a short period of time we all had the blessing of living with four generations under one roof. Not very many people can say that in this day in age.
I had thought about writing ideas for saving money and cutting corners during a job loss or pay cut. I’m opting for words of encouragement. It is in times of crisis we need to remind each other who we are in Christ. We need this daily, sometimes hourly, and moment by moment even. Let times of trial remind us, that this world is temporary.
We have a place prepared for us that loss of jobs, illness, and strife cannot enter into. Until that time Jesus wants us to know we can still trust him.
So, what can we as women, wives, and mothers do to help.
1. Stand in the gap. During a time of hardship for our husbands. We need to stand in the gap of prayer. Go to the father on their behalf in prayer. In the book of Nehemiah the walls of Jerusalem had been destroyed. Nehemiah calls out to the Lord, “O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name.” 1:10 He called out to the Lord in prayer before anything else. He made a plan during a time of rebuilding so that the city was not available to further destruction. At that time I also said to the people, “Have every man and his helper stay inside Jerusalem at night, so they can serve as guards by night and workman by day.” Neither I nor my brothers nor men nor the guards with me took off our clothes; each had his weapon, even when we went for water.” 4:22, 23 They were always on guard. They wanted their city protected. We can do the same for others helping make them stronger in their weakened state by being vigilant and standing in the gap. Prayer should be our first weapon of defense.
2. Be his helper. Gen 2:18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable.” In my Bible it says one of the things Eve is best known for, is completing the human pair. During hards times what can you do to help? Can you help answer hard questions to the kids? Is there someone or something that is usually difficult for him that you could be a buffer from? When things are difficult pray and watch for ways to complete him and be a help meet.
3. Trust God. My favorite verses about trusting the Lord are in Psalms Some trust in chariots some trust in horses, but we trust in the name if the LORD our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm. 20:7,8. No one likes change. Remember we serve a God that never changes. He can be trusted. If your husband comes to you and says he has an idea for big career change that he has been praying about, trust him. Trust that your husband can make the right decision. There has been times when I have trusted in chariots and horses in my life. Let us use this time to remind ourselves that we can rise up and stand firm.
My prayers go out for all of you that are suffering from job loses during this time. It may not be the plan you had, but who knows maybe your children will look back at this time 20 years from now and count themselves blessed.
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