Okay, it has been a crazy two weeks in my house. Now, being a homeschooler we have to get back on track from those weeks and get back into school. On top of everything else we have not been able to do school. It would have been nice these past few weeks to have sent at least two of them to school instead of having to juggle everyone at doctors appointments and with grandparents. But, you have to take the bad with the good and still, homeschooling is our choice.
Having said that. I am having mommy burnout. I love my kids and our choices but wow, what I wouldn't do for a warm beach and a good book somewhere far away. Making meals and taking care of sick kids can be very overwhelming. I think some moms just slowly go inward when stressed out. Others maybe denial or shopping. I think in the realm of Christianity we feel that it is a sign of a bad mother to say I am stressed out and I don't want to be a mommy or maybe even a wife anymore today. So, what do we do from there? We move on, not from motherhood or marriage, but from those feelings. Recognize they are just feelings and although very valid, feelings change.
First, I would ask is burnout stemming from a legitimate issue? Are you never alone? Do you need support in a way your not getting it? Look into that. Then, don't be afraid to try something new. Above all do not feel guilty for it.
Second, realize motherhood is hard and give yourself a break. Realize sometimes your husband does not know what to do either. Wade through it together.
Sometimes its right there in front of our faces, other times it feels as if it is gone like flowers in winter, but know this, God is faithful to complete the good job he started in and through you.